Strengthen Your Relationship to Land With These Resources

Strengthen Your Relationship to Land With These Resources

Ultimately, this work is about healing our relationship to land. I share some resources critical in shaping my decolonization journey, my relationship to nature on unceeded Oholone Territory that influences how I guide others to reclaim an identity to their own nature.

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Shapeshifting The Panel - A Post that Set Me on a Trajectory for Racial Justice

Shapeshifting The Panel - A Post that Set Me on a Trajectory for Racial Justice

I share this story in hopes that it serves as an example that WE CAN recover from harmful requests to be tokenized and shift our focus to impact those that matter the most; our diverse communities instead of the white majority.

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Life Re-traumatized & How I Stopped the Cycle of Harm

Life Re-traumatized  & How I Stopped the Cycle of Harm

When I first started working in juvenile justice facilities I knew what I was good at. And that was to reach and teach environmental education to "high risk" youth populations. What I didn't know was that I was experiencing compounded trauma by placing myself in these situations. Let me be more explicit about what I mean by compounded trauma.

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The Rise & Fall of the Sun

The Rise & Fall of the Sun

We lay witness to the days that have come before us and act upon creating what we need ahead of us. As the sun rises to birth a new day, it also sets- carrying all that we have endured throughout the day. Find space in this process to focus on what brings you peace.

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