The Greatest Threat to Colonization is the Indigenous Woman: Part 1, Black Liberation

The Greatest Threat to Colonization is the Indigenous Woman: Part 1, Black Liberation

To understand a world in the midst of racial, social, and environmental transformation we must look into the belly of the beast and work to understand where the beast comes from, how it functions, and what its agenda is. The forces of Colonization and White Supremacy are those beasts. And the greatest threat to that is WHO WE WERE BEFORE those forces came in. Here’s part one of how I’ve lived through and view this battle.

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How the Signs of Self Hate Deepens Our Understanding of Self Love

How the Signs of Self Hate Deepens Our Understanding of Self Love

This journey of understanding my identity more deeply has surely brought up some stuff I really could not have anticipated. In this month's blog I share with you signs of self hate that I recognized and how it reinforced my current sense of urgency to do the work of self healing. In the process of really understanding the origins of my self hate, I'm reminded that the lesson is (1) it was a long road in history that brought me to this place of self hate, (2) there were/are many factors involved, and (3) we could have a long and windy road ahead of us, but it can also be so simple.   
Just as much as we aim for the bright light and positivity around us, we must honor our full selves and our experiences even if it means visiting our dark and shadow sides

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Life Re-traumatized & How I Stopped the Cycle of Harm

Life Re-traumatized  & How I Stopped the Cycle of Harm

When I first started working in juvenile justice facilities I knew what I was good at. And that was to reach and teach environmental education to "high risk" youth populations. What I didn't know was that I was experiencing compounded trauma by placing myself in these situations. Let me be more explicit about what I mean by compounded trauma.

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