Coach, Therapist, or Both? 3 Questions to Help You Find A Practitioner

Coach, Therapist, or Both? 3 Questions to Help You Find A Practitioner

I share the specific distinctions between a coach and a therapist because I often get asked what the differences are by prospective clients, especially those who haven’t worked with a  coach before. I want to offer some key questions to reflect on so you can get clear on who the right practitioner may be for you, and then begin your search. 

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3 Things Bruce Lee Taught Me About Water

3 Things Bruce Lee Taught Me About Water

Being a fire sign (Aries), water was one of the most difficult elements for me to connect to. But in my healing journey, I was being called to be in a deeper relationship with this element to create more balance in my life. So I prayed for some guidance to help me get started on this journey to understand water. Then, I found Bruce Lee’s teachings through his daughter Shannon Lee. Be Water, My Friend

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Attuning to Nature’s Rhythm by Mapping Out Workload Overwhelm

Attuning to Nature’s Rhythm by Mapping Out Workload Overwhelm

If an overwhelming workload is most present for you, I've got you covered with this simple diagram to help you chip away at that heaping pile of things to do so you can ease into a moment of pause or spaciousness. I share to help you manage your task list so you can manage your time, energy, and specifically your emotional well-being.

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3 of Nature's Boundaries That Help You Cultivate Your Own

3 of Nature's Boundaries That Help You Cultivate Your Own

For empaths, caregivers, and nurturers like me, cultivating healthy boundaries can be one of the most challenging things to develop. When I started getting serious about pulling out of burnout, I didn’t expect boundaries to be the thing to figure out. Ultimately taking ownership of my lack of boundaries is where the transformation happened.

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Unlocking Team Performance: 4 Benefits of Guided Nature Experiences for Your Organization

Unlocking Team Performance: 4 Benefits of Guided Nature Experiences for Your Organization

Nature is a profound way to increase your team’s capacity and amplify that road to success. Here are four key takeaways organizations get from our nature immersive workshops and healing hikes.

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Strengthen Your Relationship to Land With These Resources

Strengthen Your Relationship to Land With These Resources

Ultimately, this work is about healing our relationship to land. I share some resources critical in shaping my decolonization journey, my relationship to nature on unceeded Oholone Territory that influences how I guide others to reclaim an identity to their own nature.

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Shapeshifting The Panel - A Post that Set Me on a Trajectory for Racial Justice

Shapeshifting The Panel - A Post that Set Me on a Trajectory for Racial Justice

I share this story in hopes that it serves as an example that WE CAN recover from harmful requests to be tokenized and shift our focus to impact those that matter the most; our diverse communities instead of the white majority.

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How You Know It's Time to Heal

How You Know It's Time to Heal

But it took a lot of years and life experience to get to a point where I decided to engage in some real and deep healing. For a long time I thought certain reactions or ways of viewing people were normal, until I realized I can do things differently. I’ll be share with you a couple of ways that helped me embark on a healing journey that proved to me, worth charting unknown territory.

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5 Steps to Shift From Madness to Mindset

5 Steps to Shift From Madness to Mindset

If you’re mindset, or beliefs around your actions aren’t aligned, you’ll often find yourself reverting back to your old ways. We’re going to focus this year on shifting from this madness to developing a strong mindset for making an actual change that is aligned and long lasting.

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Mastering the "Homeskhool Hustle" with Papalodown Agency

Mastering the "Homeskhool Hustle" with Papalodown Agency

As an entrepreneur we’re already set up to build a flexible schedule, the autonomy in decision-making, and being responsive to changes through innovation. But not doubt, the impacts of this pandemic have added an extra layer as a parent and holder of space for those going through emotional rollercoasters. It’s a lot for the Mompreneurs like Paloma and I and I want to provide some insights from my journey and navigating the beginnings of this pandemic.

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Nature & the Apocalypse - Tapping Into Your Untapped Resources

Nature & the Apocalypse - Tapping Into Your Untapped Resources

In apocalyptic times it’s easy to forget about the multiple dimensions of resources we all have to make it through challenging times.

So I thought I’d break down these dimensions unique to my message and what I created as a pillar of the Radical Nature Framework. It’s like a breath of fresh air to just acknowledge that we exist on multiple planes.

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Are You Using 'Accountability' Accurately?

Are You Using 'Accountability' Accurately?

Our healing can start with accountability, but it doesn’t end there. Restorative justice requires that RECOVERY and REPAIR become the steps included into a normalized process of healing and transforming the way we relate to each other. It’s fair to say that we become emotionally charged by these harms, BUT facing consequences or being held responsible are not the same thing as being held accountable.

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5 Steps to Shift From Madness to Mindset

5 Steps to Shift From Madness to Mindset

This year’s tool will help you understand your mindset. I can talk actions all day long and you can engage with actions that change the way you do things, but if you’re mindset, or beliefs around those actions aren’t aligned, you’ll often find yourself reverting back to your old ways. As a way to make your shift a holistic and solid one, we’re going to focus this year on shifting from this madness of varying beliefs in your head to developing a strong mindset that sets you up for making an actual change that is aligned and long lasting.

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The Last Episode of Your Telenovela

The Last Episode of Your Telenovela

Over the years I’ve discovered more of the complexities that played a role in this self-deprecating language. There’s so much ongoing work I do in self-reflection, healing, reframing simple sentences in email responses, the list goes on’s FOR REAL challenging sometimes. But if I can offer you three simple ways to reflect on your own story language, we can add so much more to this world by telling a more empowering story of ourselves!

Here are some reflections I offer you...

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Life Re-traumatized & How I Stopped the Cycle of Harm

Life Re-traumatized  & How I Stopped the Cycle of Harm

When I first started working in juvenile justice facilities I knew what I was good at. And that was to reach and teach environmental education to "high risk" youth populations. What I didn't know was that I was experiencing compounded trauma by placing myself in these situations. Let me be more explicit about what I mean by compounded trauma.

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"Waiting For Them to Leave or Die..."

 "Waiting For Them to Leave or Die..."

I found myself saying this a lot in my career as I made an effort to climb into organizational leadership. Coming from an industry where progress was stalled one way or another by leadership, new ideas were met with skepticism and fear,…

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